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Balustrade on 1905 Home
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Balustrade on 1905 Home

Pictured here is a beautiful balustrade on 1905 home. The restoration work was done by Luther and Debra Larson, who are the current owners of this 1905 Omaha Landmark built by Gustave F. Epeneter. Gustave was the owner of Eagle Cornice Works at that time and adorned the house with a variety of interior and exterior stamped tin and wrought iron details. Luther and Debra recently restored the home's balustrade, which was lifted by crane and placed as the new crowning jewel. See more photos and read the story on {Omaha World-Herald}

Forklift moves a pressed metal balustrade out of a garage.
Crane placing a balustrade on the crown of a 1905 Omaha Landmark home
1905 Omaha Landmark home with restored balustrade